Happy Year of the Hissy Miss Snake

新年快樂! And to all the non-Chinese-reading peeps out there — Happy Chinese New Year!

Today marks the first day of the year of the Snake. While I’m not a zodiac follower, I was inspired to make a snake-related piece. As I have been working with the slip-trailing method as of late, I decided to make a porcelain slip-trailed cup for all the tea I plan to drink…

CNY snake cup

I love love love how it came out. The creamy glaze with oatmeal speckles and the texture of the slip trail is just so yummy. To be honest, I had actually made this as a test piece for a white glaze on middle white porcelain, but this was my absolute fave out of the whole batch of cups fired along with it! Will definitely be making more of these…

Today is a big day… the inauguration of my snake cup : )



February 10, 2013

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