In the Studio: Rope Series Ring Dishes

Usually my mind is too distracted or my hands are too dirty to take step-by-step photos in the studio, but I do remember to take a photo once in a while. That said, I have decided to share some of the photos in order to give a little glimpse into the process.

First off, here are the dark blue Rope Series Ring Dishes before they were fired for the first time.

They began as soft slabs of clay that were then textured and shaped on a mold. The photo was taken just after the slabs were removed from the mold. They will be left to dry before being loaded into the kiln for the first firing.

In general, the design aspect of this series happens as I am adding the decoration, so it is all quite organic. On a whim, I decided to make a set of interconnected pieces here. Each dish can sit on its own, but is part of a greater whole.

The Rope Series is one of my favorite to make as I love to play with texture.

CATEGORY: In the Studio


August 11, 2013

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